Thursday, 12 April 2012

Books, Sunglasses & Blogger Frustration

Sunglasses from Marks & Spencers

I have had the most frustrating time with Blogger today, I could not see my followers! I clicked and refreshed and pleaded but the square where the little display pictures usually live was empty. I finally had to download and Install Google Chrome, which I've been meaning to do anyway, and then everything started working properly again. Did you guys ever have that issue? I googled it and some people seem to have problems but no one had a concrete solution.

Anyway, I went and did a bit of shopping, primarily for a Yankee Candle so of course, I came back with Books and Sunglasses instead. The sunny days are upon us and I have this horrible habit of sitting on my shades, so I always tend to buy cheap ones that I don't mind breaking. Well, I do MIND, but I wont cry about. I have pair of expensive ones which I NEVER wear because I just know I'll sit on them. Its me. So I got these ones from M&S for £5.00.. You can't go wrong with that price. Maybe I should buy in bulk from Primark in the future. 

Also, I picked up a bunch of books because I can't possibly pass by a book store without getting something.   There's a Nicholas Sparks one in there which I've already started reading and loving so far. Then "The best people in the world" by Justin Tussing. Never heard of him but I like the cover (don't judge a book by its cover is lost on me) and Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater (Pronunciation?!) which I believe is the first of a trilogy? I'm not sure, but I picked it up because I enjoyed the Hunger Games so much and have been looking, and failing, to find a similar sort of read ever since. I'll post reviews when I'm done reading. 

My book obsession


  1. I really want to read Shiver by Maggie Stievfvater! Lovely photos.

  2. Gorgeous sunglasses. I am in Canada and we used to have Marks and Spencer here but not anymore!! I missed mostly their snack section!!

    Following you. Found you from Blog-Hop.

  3. I am the same way with sunglasses...I am so hard on them, they either break and get to scratched up. I once bought an expencive pair and they got stolen not too long was a sad sad day.

    I started the first hunger games book and was actually really into it, but I put it down over a month ago and haven't been able to pick it up since. I need to find more time to read.

    xo Courtney

  4. I definitely need to try these rimmel lip butters! I found you on blog hop and am now following. :) x
