Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Keeping up with the trends : Barry M Coral nail paint

Barry M Nail Paint in Coral

Spring is finally here and the sunny days have been numerous, its time to pop out these bright colours. Oranges and corals are in this spring, or so I'm told. These will definitely bright up your outfit, even if you're totally in black (not recommended). I'm in love with Barry M nail paints because they're really good quality but not pricey at all. I do love a good OPI once in a while, but I chip my nails constantly no matter how many top coats or how careful I am, so I usually stick to these. Retailing at t £2.99, and normally on offer at Boots and Superdrug (2 for 3), these nail polishes are great! I applied two coats, I love that the brushes aren't too big for my tiny nails. The texture is light and glides nicely on the nails. Here are a few close up:


  1. Love the colour! Really nice and vibrant! My mum actually picked up a colour similiar but by Revlon! And guess what? it was £1 too! I managed to pick my polishes up from Poundworld. You should check it out, they have name branded cosmetics in there for £1. Bargain right? I must say it is a bit hit and miss but sometimes you can pick up some really good buys! Would love to know if you end up picking up anything nice :)

    Love Nails. Love Obsession-Lacquer.


    (Your blog looks like the start of something great - *following*


    1. Aww thanks!

      POUNDWORLD?! Omg I would have never thought! I just go in there for the crisps, coke and chocolate offers haha! I am definitely checking this out tomorrow, thanks!!


  2. Love that colour! I have a similar one by Sally Hansen but the formula isn't very good. I've wanted to try the Barry M nail paints for a while, but I'm pretty sure they don't sell the brand in Canada!


  3. This colour looks gorgeous!I really love corals at the moment. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment on my blog :) Hopefully you will get your hands on some Lip butters soon, I live in a big city and had a hard time finding a Boots that would stock them! Its crazy. You have a great blog, am now I new follower :) stop by again sometime as I am doing a MAC lipstick giveaway this month! xoxo


  4. What a gorgeous shade! I think I'd need to wait till I'm more tanned to brave the brightness though!

  5. Absolutely beautiful color. Sooo pretty for spring and summer. Awesome blog as well girl; definitely following. (:


  6. I recently stumbled across your blog and I LOVE it! I love the layout to the content and everything in between! Your sense of style is just impeccable and your blog is simply the epitome of perfection! I love all the recipes you post too! I am your newest, most avid follower. I would love it if you could perhaps check out my blog and follow back?

    Love from, THE EASTERN PEARL
